2019 Word of the Year

Growing in popularity over the past few years is the concept of creating a “word of the year” rather than resolutions. Generating a single word can be easier to remember, and applicable to multiple facets of life. It also allows for opportunity of reflection.

My prior word of the year was “heartily”, one that I wanted to incorporate mainly into my business but continued to evolutionize into everything I did. To do everything with purpose, with a reason. To put meaning into time with family and time with clients.

After all, why do something without purpose?

Choosing a word is harder than you think. This year, I stepped back and looked at my process and I want to help YOU decide on what word would work for you! So stay tuned… there is a freebie involved!


Drumroll, for my 2019 Word of the Year…

All about those plans!

All about those plans!


Recently, I sat down to reflect. Not about my past and what this year was like, but who I want to BE. What I want my life to look like. How I want to feel, each and every blessed day. And of course being a mom of three girls, what I would want to model best for them. After evaluating multiple areas of my life, I chose simplicity.

So, what now? Good question!

Our Hen House!

Our Hen House!

Next, I will take this weekend to look at a few areas which I want to improve most, and jot down how I can apply my word of the year. It can go in many directions! Here are some ideas:

  • Application: Family
    Example Goal: Keep Friday nights in. Enjoy a good old-fashioned game night, bake a dessert together or plan a craft: Cost-Free.

  • Application: Home
    Example Goal: Take 20 minutes every other day to purge a section of the home

  • Application: Finances
    Example Goal: Establish a weekly budget and stick to it by cutting back on unnecessary items (we LOVE Dave Ramsey!)

See where I am going with this?

Let’s Get Started.

Are you ready to figure out what your word of the year is? I got your back! I recently broke down my processes and created a workbook just for you.

But wait, there’s always more!

Want to received a calligraphed copy of your word? Here’s what to do:

  • Snap a picture of your printed guidebook, whether completed or not.

  • Post the picture along with your word on Instagram OR Facebook, and tag me in the photo (@JesSmithDesigns across all platforms)

  • Tag a friend who would love this guidebook as well!

As a special thank you, I will calligraph your word either digitally or on paper and send it via snail mail. Your pick!

Easy as pie! Ready?? GO GET THAT GUIDEBOOK! Need a motivational DIY to go along with it? Grab my chalkboard kit while supplies last!


And have your self a safe, blessed New Year that exceeds your wildest dreams!