Custom Christmas Cards

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2016-12-12 21.05.46.jpg
jsd newlyweds christmas card.jpg
jsd pregnancy announcement merry christmas card foil pressed.jpg

Custom Christmas Cards


Looking for a special message to deliver to your friends and family? Expecting a baby, or celebrating your first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs.? Just couldn’t find the perfect design for you in this years collection?

You’ve come to the right place! I am always honored, and swoon, over making designs exclusive for you. Details below!

Looking for my semi-custom holiday cards? Head over here!

Please note this order is a deposit for a custom design only. Balance of $1.89/card will be sent post proof approval.

Add to Basket

Looking for a special message to deliver to your friends and family? Expecting a baby, or celebrating your first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs.? Just couldn’t find the perfect design for you in this years collection?

You’ve come to the right place! I am always honored, and swoon, over making designs exclusive for you.

The process is easy!

1. Click that "Add to Basket" button!

2. I will follow up with you to gather details of your piece.

3. You will then be given one or two designs to look at and choose from, with the ability to modify as necessary.

4. Upon selection, you will then be billed your balance of just the printed cards AND envelopes at $1.80/each.

5. The cards are yours! Enjoy them, love them, and go back to them year after year <3